
My Eclectic Final Five Minutes (MEFFM) Productions is a private company based in Norway. We make videos and interactive online media for nice people and cool companies. We don’t do weddings.

As a company we are positioned very comfortably in the online space, occasionally sending out reminders to the broadcast world that we are now in their living rooms, spray painting the walls, even as they adjust the baby intercom, grab the blanket, and prepare to watch The Same Old Nonsense for the third decade in a row.

We are English, although we’re thoroughly integrated in Europe. Having said that, we are pleased to see that Stanley Baxter is still with us, we mourn the passing of Humphrey Lyttelton, and we annually celebrate the death of Spike Milligan by donating to Friends of the Earth, eating vegetarian food and reciting poetry – in other words, we value our heritage, even whilst ripping it to pieces in order to turn modern civilisation into a fabulous place for young people to enjoy forever.

Contact us to see how you can use our boundless ethusiasm and inventive creativity for profit, and how expertly we can help you communicate your messages in the online world.